I have to admit I am drawn to perfectionists. Not because I am a perfectionist or anything, I am far too easy going for it:-) My casualness most likely has something to do with being Australian. We generally grow up with teachers and parents encouraging no matter what. It does not matter if that drawing passed off as art was a blob of little crap. The powers to be will always say “Oh, great. You got a C for that project. Well you tried and that is the main thing”. So we Aussie kids grow up sometimes with a false sense of confidence with what we are doing is so perfect and “We gave it a go! That is the main thing”.
Often what happens as what happened with me… you decide that you want to achieve something but don’t put all the work in to make it exceptional and the best it can possibly can be…because giving something merely a go is confused with perfect! It’s great, no matter what the outcome.
Is it a good or bad thing? I am not so sure.
It is great to be carefree as that trait allows for creative ideas to flow and go outside the box...however sometimes I think I could learn from perfectionists.
For example the barista that makes my coffee in Melbourne, Australia is of Japanese heritage and the coffee is always exceptionally made. If not, he frowns as if all is not ok...then starts the coffee again. For him, it would be substandard to serve mediocre and I get the feeling he would be ashamed to serve anything but the best well made coffee.
I delved into this deeper and I discovered that behind the scenes this particular barista was obsessed with coffee evident by how much he practiced, went out and visited other cafes every time he had a day off. He studies the art of making coffee. Down to exploring every type of coffee to make by practicing, reading books and visiting other baristas. Making it again, again and again until perfection.
Then there is the graphic designer who helped design the pamphlets for my street diaries exhibition. She was a perfectionist that I could see…evident by her questions and perfectly placed pen with her notebook she had close to her in our initial meetings. She asked a lot of questions and had a lot of well-prepared notes about the project. Of course when she was hired for the job, that perfectionism came out when she was designing my vision she did not accept just anything. She wanted the best, in terms of graphic design. That served me well and I was happy.
An amazing yoga teacher where I attend classes is absolutely perfect at yoga and teaching. So great in fact I became curious...how? Well I delved into it deeper and I learnt from our conversation after class that she is constantly practicing, training and never sitting still on her achievements. She seems to be striving for better and better. Of course we students benefit. We get to learn from the best.
Sometimes concentrating on absolute perfectionism with a thing or achieving can turn into an obsession. A person won’t be happy or clap himself / herself for any achievement whatsoever. That striving and obsession for perfectionism has overtaken.
I had a great conversation with a talented photographic artist friend of mine who has this problem with trying to achieve being the best at his art that he forgets to pause, stop and breathe. He is really obsessed with being perfect and he does not acknowledge anything he does. Of course from my point of view…he does amazing things and has amazing achievements. Two degrees and publications in his chosen profession should deserve a clap.
Sometimes, the best work comes out of that perfectionist attitude as well. Lets face it… most people who are consistently successful at what they do (I am not talking about one hit wonders) are a little obsessed with perfectionism. This ranges from photographers, artists, writers, chefs, barista’s, hairdressers, graphic designers, fashion designers, business owners etc.
They all seem to have something in common, that striving for absolute perfectionism in what ever their chosen field is. Usually they are passionate about what they do therefore want to be absolutely perfect at it. To be perfect at something; anything…takes practice, study and acceptance that you can see any flaws. Once you do; correct the flaws as they appear to make it perfect, that passion.
So will I clap about this blog? Well... it is not perfect;-)
However, I will clap if you are here reading. Why not;-) as you and I dear reader merged = I see that as a perfect combination! Thank you, it’s my passion to write to you.